2024年12月12日 星期四           中文版 | English

C++ Programming

语法 (C/C++ Grammar)

  • 第01讲 结构体、联合体与枚举类型 (struct, union, enum): Slides.
  • 第02讲 指针 (Pointer): Slides.
  • 第03讲 动态内存 (new and delete): Slides.
  • 第04讲 链表 (Linked List): Slides.
  • 第05讲 类与对象 (Class and Object): Slides.
  • 第06讲 内联、重载与this指针(inline, overload, this): Slides.
  • 第07讲 构造与析构 (Constructor and Destructor): Slides.
  • 第08讲 拷贝构造函数 (Copy Constructor): Slides.
  • 第09讲 继承与派生 (Inheritance and Derivation): Slides.
  • 第10讲 虚基类 (virtual base class): Slides.
  • 第11讲 动态联编与虚函数 (Runtime Binding and Virtual Function): Slides.
  • 第12讲 类的静态成员、友元与常量成员 (static, friend, const): Slides.
  • 第13讲 再谈重载 (Revisit Overload): Slides.
  • 第14讲 运算符重载 (Operator Overload): Slides.
  • 第15讲 输入输出流 (IO Streams): Slides.
  • 第16讲 项目实战 (Project Studying): Guidelines.

例程 (Example)

算法 (Algorithms)

  • 约瑟夫问题 (Joseph Problem)
  • 开关灯问题 (Light, More Light)
  • 婚礼上的谎言 (Wedding Lies)

集成开发环境 (IDE)

Visual Studio 2017

  • How to Create and Run a C++ Program in Visual Studio 2017: Video.
  • How to Create and Setup exe File in Visual Studio 2017: Video.
  • How to Create Setup.exe in Visual Studio 2017: Video.

流程图与伪代码 (Flowchart and Pseudocode )

  • Introduction to Creating Flowcharts: Video.
  • What is a Flowchart: Video.
  • From Algorithm to Pseudocode to Code: Video.

设计模式 (Design Pattern)

  • Software Development Life Cycle: Video.
  • Software Development Life Cycle - Simplified: Video.
  • Waterfall Process - Software Development Process: Video.
  • Introduction to Waterfall Model: Video.
  • Model-View-Controller Design Pattern: Video.