2024年12月26日 星期四           中文版 | English

Group Members

Ph.D Students

  • 吴津仪 Jinyi Wu
    2021.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 远航 Md Nahiduzzaman
    2020.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 陶晏竣 Yanjun Tao
    2020.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 毛士麟 Shilin Mao
    2020.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University

Master Students

  • 张文斌 Wenbin Zhang
    2021.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 刘依琳 Yilin Liu
    2021.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 法萨尔 Faisal Aiz
    2020.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 毛子彧 Ziyu Mao
    2020.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 耿博 Bo Geng
    2020.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 李栋 Dong Li
    2020.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 赵虎 Hu Zhao
    2020.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 李岚璟 Lanjing Li
    2019.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 陈道梁 Daoliang Chen
    2019.09 - Present, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 毛士麟 Shilin Mao
    2019.09 - 2020.07, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 托马斯 Thomas Gebruers
    2018.09 - 2019.12, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 王学舟 Xuezhou Wang
    2018.09 - 2021.06, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
  • 张兆栋 Zhaodong Zhang
    2017.09 - 2020.06, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University
    He was graduated from Shandong University of Science and Technology. After he finished the master-education at Southeast University, he received an engineer position at WeichaiDongli company (2020).

Visiting Students

  • 李卫昊 Weihao Li
    2019.09 - Present, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University
    Mr. Li is a Ph.D candidate of Shanghai University in Prof. Qian Li's Lab.
  • 林羲 Xi Lin
    2015.09 - 2020.12, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University
    Mr. Xi Lin was a Ph.D candidate of Shanghai University in Prof. Qian Li's Lab. He was graduated from School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. He is now working for Prof. Jianxin Zou as a postdoctoral research fellow at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (2021).